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“No Big And Rough  Small and Beauty Micro finance”
“Communication,  Human Rights  & Development” 
“Our Fight against Poverty will continue until Poverty Exist in Nepal”
“Engage Micro finance Change Lives “
“Establishment of Poverty free inclusive Nepal”
Stop Violence Against Women”
“Stop Child Labour”

Working Areas:

Working Area:

NESDO Nepal can operate all over Nepal as per its constitution, For micro finance services this organization gets licensed from Nepal Rastra bank (The Central Bank) to provide micro finance service in 12 districts of Nepal. NESDO is currently operating in Parbat, Maygdi,  Kaski, Syangja,  Palpa,  Lamjung,  Gorkha, Tanahu,  Baglung,  Chitwan , Nawalparasi & Nawalpur. NESDO Nepal is providing micro finance along with other community development activities in the field of social awareness, drinking water, health sanitation and many more in 2 Metropolitan,in 102 Municipality and 108 Rural Municipality   of 12 district of Nepal. It’s started its micro finance journey from a remote village called Bajung of parbat district in 1995 in five VDCs i.e Bajung, Tilhar, Chuwa, Shivalaya, Chitre & Deurali with a small fund from RMDC. At the end of 2074/2075 NESDO Nepal has been able to expand its Micro finance service in 12 districts and provide micro finance services to  77 thousands ultra-poor families reside in the remote hilly area of Nepal through its 56 branch offices located in the 12 districts of Nepal.

Map of Nepal: