Target Client:
Generally rural poor do not have any access to formal financial organization, ironically because of their poverty. Since its inception in 2052(1995) NESDO Nepal has consistently been trying to address such poor people. NESDO Nepal’s Micro finance Program provides financial inclusion offerings appropriate assistance to help the lower income segment, economically disadvantages, marginalized community and helping them improving their socioeconomic conditions and in turn reducing poverty. NESDO Nepal will continue to keep reforming its programs and activities according to the changing necessity of the clients so as to support and strengthen the economy at the bottom level of the socio-economic pyramid. Following are the target client of NESDO Nepal’s Micro finance Program.
- Clients having less than 15 kattha land in the Tarai Region.
- Clients having less than 20 Ropani Land in the hilly Region.
- Clients having the per capital income less than Rs 5500(Nepali Rupees) in both Tarai and Hilly Region.
- Clients who fully depends upon agriculture.Not employed in government or in
any other Sector. - Clients reside in the remote area and having no access to any other formal financial services.
- Socially excluded.
- Clients Aged between 18 to 60 years.
- Clients having skills but don’t have any source of financing.
Operational Procedure:
- Targeted to the Poor.
- Selection of target family by PWR.
- 7 days Pre-group Training & group rating.
- Personal status analysis & final selection of group.
Group & center formation (5 members in a group & 2 to 10 groups in each )
- Saving & Credit mobilization, loan utilization analysis.
- Credit plus Program such as Micro insurance, Remittance & Skill Development training to clients.
- Simple operating Procedure.
- Service at Client’s door step.
- Transparency In transaction.
NESDO Nepal has achieved sustainability within a couple of years from the starting of its micro finance activities. The innovative policies of the management and cost effective approaches in all the aspects are the key to make it possible within the shortest possible time. Besides that strong determination of the management was also an important factor for attaining self-sufficiency with a steady growth.
- Dynamic and forward looking leadership.
- Self-explanatory written working manual.
- Specialization in micro finance and rapid expansion policy.
- Transparent and faster recruitment procedure.
- Follow on the job training approach.
- Simple and cost effective branch structure.
- All expenditure is standardize with set cost ceiling.
- Simple and least hierarchical organization.
- Simple, easy and transparent account and record keeping system.
- Decentralization and delegation of authority to the branch official level and participatory process in decision making.
Easy and close communication among officials as well as between officials and clients.
- Continuous strong monitoring and supervision from all levels.
- Effective Fund Mangement.
- Diversified loan product to meet the client’s need.
- Simple and Shorter Loan processing.
- No collateral for providing loan.
- Education loan for member’s children.
- Special Loan for Natural disaster affected clients.
- Health assistant to the clients.
- Scholarship Facilities to client’s children.
Area Of Expertise :
- Micro enterprise Development.
- Health, Sanitation and Drinking water.
- Formal and Non formal education.
- Human resource development and advocacy.
- Biodiversity and Environment protection.
- Micro Finance.
- Agriculture .
- Community Forestry and Natural resources Management.
- Income Generation.
- Low cost housing.
- Customary Business Promotion.
- Social Mobilization.