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“Our Fight against Poverty will continue until Poverty Exist in Nepal”
Stop Violence Against Women”
“No Big And Rough  Small and Beauty Micro finance”
“Stop Child Labour”
“Establishment of Poverty free inclusive Nepal”
“Communication,  Human Rights  & Development” 
“Engage Micro finance Change Lives “


 Micro finance Program of NESDO Nepal:

offices has been established in the suitable localities making available hassles-free service to the clients at their doorsteps. NESDO Nepal will continue to keep reforming its programs and activities according to the changing necessity of the clients so as to support and strengthen the economy at the bottom level of the socio-economic pyramid. As we all knows that Micro finance playing a crucial role in poverty reduction. At present NESDO Nepal is able to provide Micro finance services to more than 77 thousands ultra poor families reside in the remote hilly area of Nepal through its 52 branch offices located in 11 districts. Over the years more than 8000 thousand clients graduated to micro entrepreneur, which itself a great achievement for NESDO Nepal. In this financial year 2073/2074 member enrollment is quite good and the total member enrolled till now is 77300 and the total number of borrowers is 47035 .Generally rural poor do not have any access to formal financial organization, ironically because of their poverty. Since its inception in 2052(1995) NESDO Nepal has consistently been trying to address such poor people. NESDO Nepal’s Micro finance Program provides financial inclusion offerings appropriate assistance to help the lower income segment, economically disadvantages, marginalized community and helping them improving their socioeconomic conditions and in turn reducing poverty. NESDO has concentrated in transforming its products and services into more clients’ friendly and responsive initiative to the target people. Numbers of branch okumari-mall-beni-branch-center-no-48

Major Input In Society: 

  • Creating Employment opportunity in the society.
  • Providing loan facilities in a simply way.
  • Providing micro insurance facilities.
  • Creating awareness in communities about Education, Health & Sanitation.
  • Encouraging communities for Income generation activities and saving Mobilization.
  • Providing Remittance Services.
  • Support in Human resources Development and Local Resource management.



Major Outputs:

  • Reduction in unemployment in the local area.
  • Employment creation and Increase in Income generation activities.
  • Participation of dalit, janajait women in the decision making process.
  • The living standard and economic condition of the ultra-poor increased.
  • Increases access to banking services facilities.
  • Reduction in economic exploitation by indigenous money lenders at the local level.
  • Heath, Education and sanitation condition of the people increases.
  • Increase participation of local communities in Natural resources management and preservation.
  • Increase in the social economic statue of the rural women.
  • Involvement of women in self-employment sector.
  • Increase in School enrollment of Girl Child.
  • Reduce in Child Labor in Hazardous industries.20150713_173728