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“Communication,  Human Rights  & Development” 
“Engage Micro finance Change Lives “
“Our Fight against Poverty will continue until Poverty Exist in Nepal”
“Establishment of Poverty free inclusive Nepal”
Stop Violence Against Women”
“No Big And Rough  Small and Beauty Micro finance”
“Stop Child Labour”

Human Resource:

Human Resources:

Efficient human resources is a key to every organization success. It is very much important for every organization to have a good human resource to implement its activities to achieve its goal. NESDO Nepal always give due importance to maintain a high quality of human resource. NESDO Nepal recruits professional staff on a competitive basis through advertisement in the daily newspaper& FM radio. Most of the NESDONepal’s fields located in very remote hilly area of Nepal. In spite of that NESDO Nepal’s staffs are maintaining very good performance by their hard work. NESDO Nepal has a good staff performance evaluation system according to which the performance of every staff evaluated at the end of every year based on target and achievement. At the end of the year staffs as well as best performing branch office are rewarded for their best performance in different categories. NESDO Nepal always follow an inclusive staff selection process through which women, poor, dalit janajati & BCN candidates has been selected. At present 75% of total staff are female of which 32% BCN, 51% janajati , 11% Dalit & 6% from Minority community.


As of  16th Nov  2018(2075 Kartik)  NESDO Management Team is supported with 300 regular staff, of which 16 head office staff ,56 Branch Managers 176 filed staff  & 52 support staff. NESDO Nepal always maintained a high standard in the recruitment process through which excellent individual are recruited. Well-structured induction training with an extensive field work at the local level is provided to all the new recruits.

Pre-Service Training:

After staff recruitment the Branch manager and the center-manager undergo intensive training on group-management, basic principles of micro finance saving & credit rules,office management, accounting, reporting and monitoring for eight months.The objective of this training is to develop the capacity of staff so that they can implement the program activities efficiently.After successfully completing the training by fulling certain criteria they appointed as the BM/Center-manager of NESDO Nepal. 11 branch manager and 60 center manager were recruited and provided pre-service training in 2074-075.

Human resource composition of NESDO Nepal.

S.No Designation Male Female Total
1. Executive Chief. 1 1
2. Department Chief. 3 2 5
4. Senior Officer. 1 1
5. Program Manager. 1 1
6. Junior Officer. 1 2 3
7. Branch Manger. 31 25 56
8. Center Manager. 61 117 178
10. Store Keeper. 1 1
11. Runner (Messenger). 53 53
12 Driver.
13. Security. 1 1
  Total 100 200 300

Training & Workshop:

NESDO Nepal Provides training to its own staff for the successful implementation of its micro finance programmes. As we know that NESDO Nepal is specially working with the ultra-poor families and every day the branch manager as well as the center manager interact with the client on different issues in the field level. So the training are intended to enhance their strategic and operational skill with sound understanding on different issues relating to poverty alleviation and income generation of the poor people. At the same time NESDO Nepal sends its official to different training program organized by external agencies.  NESDO Nepal  also organized various skill development  training and workshop for its clients.



Training/Workshop No Of Program Participant Organizer
1. Branch Level Planning Workshop 1 66 NESDO Nepal
2. District level  Progress Review Workshop 5 133 NESDO Nepal
4. Pre job-Service Training for CM 1 60 NESDO Nepal
5. Half-Year Progress Review Workshop 1 66 NESDO Nepal
6. Pre Job Training for BM 1 11 NESDO Nepal
7. Trainee Mid-term Progress Review Workshop 2 132  NESDO Nepal
8. Microfinance Mgt & Leadership Dev. Training 1 13 NESDO Nepal
9. Leadership Development for Youth Training. 1 32 NESDO Nepal
10. Board Level Interaction Workshop 1 15 NESDO Nepal
 11 Financial Literacy Workshop 3 588 NESDO Nepal
  Total 17 1116  

Client’s Skill Development Training:

NESDO Nepal has been providing different types of skill development training to its clients and to its family members for enhancing their functional skill through which they can earn additional income as well as manage their venture effectively and efficiently. These are mainly vegetable and fruits gardening, cutting and tailoring, Cattle rearing, Poultry framing Goat rearing, enterprise development, business management etc.

Skill Development Training During (FY 2074/075 ):

S.No Training  Name No Of Program Participant Organizer
1. Lapsi Candy Making. 10 350 NESDO Nepal
2. Agar Batti Making. 10 170 NESDO Nepal
3. Vegetable Farming. 35 850 NESDO Nepal/DAO
4. Pig Rearing. 15 250 NESDO Nepal/DVO
5. Goat Rearing. 10 100 NESDO Nepal/DVO
6. Safer Mother Hood. 20 280 NESDO Nepal/DHO
7. Cow/Buffalo Rearing. 12 150 NESDO Nepal/DVO
8. Business Management. 10 150 NESDO Nepal
9. Poultry Farming. 15 250 NESDO Nepal/DVO

Exposure Visit: 

NESDO Nepal organizes internal and external exposure visit for its officials in view of sharing knowledge and experiences with the high performing organization in different part of the world.