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“Establishment of Poverty free inclusive Nepal”
“No Big And Rough  Small and Beauty Micro finance”
“Stop Child Labour”
“Communication,  Human Rights  & Development” 
“Engage Micro finance Change Lives “
Stop Violence Against Women”
“Our Fight against Poverty will continue until Poverty Exist in Nepal”

Community Development Program:

Community Development Programs:

From its inception NESDO Nepal has been carried various community development programs for the ultra-poor and under privileged communities to uplift there living condition in collaboration with different national and international donor agency. NESDO  Nepal  has been performing community development activities in various sector like Health & Drinking water, sanitation, education, forestry management and environment protection, agriculture, biodiversity conservation, child labor,conflict management,customary business promotion and many more. At present NESDO Nepal carried out following programs for the ultra-poor and underprivileged community in its  working area. 

Better Brick Nepal:

The Better Brick Nepal program address labor challenges as well as environment and quality issues in Nepal’s brick industry. It als2.6o provides critical input to the construction industry that is among the largest sector of the economy. Many of the workers in the brick industry are children and adult who are bonded by debt. They are subject to extreme harsh lining and working conditions. The prime objectives of this program is to eradicate forced, bounded child labor, uplift their standard of living, improve the working environment in the brick kiln industries of Nepal. For the child education and care early child care and education centre has been established near the brick kiln that provides education and child care to children of the laborer. From its inception NESDO Nepal has been working in child labor sector. NESDO Nepal in collaboration with BBN Implement this program in three brick kiln of Gorkha, Lamjung & Nawalparasi District.The folowing table shows the services provided in the three brick kiln.

Descriptions/Program Unit Qty Month/ Time Female Male

Total benificiaries

1 A Stakeholder Meetings & Marketing:
1.1 I District level Meeting District 3 6 M/0 12 10 22
1.2 II VDC level Meeting District 3 6 M/3 27 72 99
1.3 III Media Engagament District 3 6 M/1 3 17 20
2 B Training:
2.1 I Workers , Owners & Naikes Training Person 3 6 M/27 321 402 723
2.2 II School Mgmt. committee  meeting School 3 6 M/3 21 9 30
2.3 III Extra activities in each school School 3 6 M/3 128 102 230
3 C Materials Support for children:
I Kitchen Utensils for nutriation meal to ECEC District 3 6 M/3 54 38 92
3.1 II White board for ECEC ECEC 3 6 M/3 54 38 92
3.2 III Food for ECEC (Student Meals) Person 3 6 M/3 54 38 92
3.3 IV Stationery for ECEC Person 3 6 M/3 54 38 92
3.4 V Support   to   school   going   children

{Unifom, Stationery}

Person 3 6 M/3 21 16 36
4 E School Support (Student ) School 3 6 M/3 21 16 36
5 F Information Painting District 3 6 M/3 232 199 431
6 G Printing on Flex and board District 3 6 M/3 232 199 431
Total 1234 1194 2426

Low Cost Housing: 

NESDO Nepal has been working for affordable housing by providing financial and technical support for poor homeless families. The objective of this program is to provide shelter to poor homeless families with safe water and sanitation facilities. NESDO Nepal provides housing loan with lower interest rate for those who don’t have a house to live. For low cost sustainable housing we always give emphasis on using locally available resources .At the same time NESDO Nepal provides technical knowledge on low cost housing. In the initial stage Habitat for Humanity International Nepal technically support NESDO Nepal for Low cost housing, now NESDO Nepal continued this initiative with its own resources.   In Chitwan NESDO Nepal construct 36 model houses for Clients live   in the slums area of Tandi. So far NESDO Nepal provides housing loan and technical support to 6850 ultra-poor families.

Status Of Low Cost Housing: 

S.No Particulars As on 15th July 2016
1. No Of house Built (Cum) 2745
2. Total Amount Disbursed(Rs.)* 4589678900
3. Total Repayment(Rs.)* 4516277518
4. Total Amount Out Standing(Rs.)* 73401382

Health Awareness Program:

In Nepal the poor and the vulnerable are often suffers from various health problems. Lack of knowledge and information prevent people belonging to poor and illiterate rural households from taking proper measures against even common diseases. This seriously hampers their lives and livelihood as well as earnings. Recurring illness pushes them to fall victim of continuous ill-health. This health problem of the poor is a major challenge to poverty alleviation. The health status of the majority of the rural poor remains a major concern. NESDO with a pledge   for   making   poverty   free society pursues a consciousness raising program to reduce health hazard and maintain sound health among its client’s predominately ultra-poor families resides in the remote.This program adopts measures to provide basic knowledge about general communicable diseases, personal hygiene, child care, maternity care, nutrition and nutritious food. At the same time NESDO Nepal in collaboration with other agency organizes different health camp in the remote area. In such camps general checkup, fever checkup, blood sugar check, blood pressure, eye check, minor operation is carried out. Sometimes free drugs also distributed in such camps.

Disaster Management:

NESDO Nepal identified risk for both natural and man-made disasters in its working area and developed a disaster management plan. In order to cope with the natural disaster like landslide, earthquake, fires, floods NESDO has arrangement for shelters in its working area. During disastrous earthquake in 2072 NESDO Nepal distribute tarpaulin in its working area and its staff helps in the rescue operations. Keeping in mind NESDO Nepal develops a flexible loan product for the required rehabilitation in case of such natural calamities. Conceptually NESDO Nepal does not believe in charity but it does not ignore a rescue and safety operation. From time to time NESDO Nepal trained its staffs and the client’s family member on disaster management for recues work in case of any disaster.

Greenery Promotion Program:

From Its inception NESDO Nepal has been working in the field of greenery promotion. At the same time NESDO Nepal developed a flexible loan product for greenery promotion to its clients. Clients take this loan for the construction of biogas plant, installation of solar panel, improved cooking stove and plantation of herbal plant.

Community Radio Sambridha Nepal 92.6Mhz:

NESDO Nepal established its own radio in2072. The radio program includes financial news bulletins, promotion of NESDO Nepal’s products and services, various programs and activities undertaken by NESDO Nepal and its branch offices in its working area. At the same time our  clients having business but not afford to promote their business in commercial radio can  promoting through our radio by paying a nominal charge. 

CBOs Promotion Program:

NESDO  Nepal always give emphasis on promoting community based organization including Groups,local clubs and child clubs. NESDO Nepal provides Financial as well as non financial  support to these organization.It includes various types of training like capacity bulit, institutional development training and equipment support like computers, printers, Fax machine , Furniture etc.So far NESDO Nepal supported more than 45 CBOs in its working area. 

Past Community Development Program :

Insight View.

The following tables show various community development programs implemented by NESDO, Nepal in collaboration with different international & national donor agency. The table depicted the insight view of description of the project, types of service render & the major outcomes achieved.

Project Name:

Self Help Promotion Project

Project location (Districts):

7 VDCs  of Parbat District

Project start date: Mansir, 2053 (month/year)
Name of client:

•       Women, Dalit and Janajaati

•       Ultra Poor, marginalized, Deprived and Excluded People

Project completion date:- Posh, 2058
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

•       Awareness creation about poverty

•       Survey, analysis and target group identification,

•       Group formation, training and capacity building of poor community

•       Saving and credit mobilization

•       Institutional development of group

•       Revolving support and mobilization

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

•       Social Mobilization and Awareness

•       Process facilitation and governance transportation support,

•       Saving and Credit service

Total project cost (NRs.): 10,69,144.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 2,50,000.00

(With institutional equipment Support Cost)

Sources of project funds GTZ-NGO Fund Project
Major outcomes achieved: •       Basic survey and identify target people

•       Group formation, training and capacity building of 27 women group,

•       Provide revolving fund to 12 groups and income generate by 275 women.

•       Increase organization efficiency by Institutional Management, Leadership Development training and Account management.

•       Coordination and collaboration

•       Formation of Women saving and credit cooperatives in Parbat.


Project Name:

Micro Credit Project for Women

Project location (Districts):

2 VDCs (Chitra and Deural) of Parbat District

Project start date: Bhadra, 2053 (month/year)
Name of client:

•       Women, Dalit and Janajaati

•       Ultra Poor, marginalized, Deprived and Excluded People

Project completion date:- Bhadra, 2056
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

•       Awareness creation about poverty

•       Survey, analysis and target group identification,

•       Group formation, training and capacity building of poor community

•       Saving and credit service for poor

•       Institutional development of group

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

•       Social Mobilization and Awareness

•       Process facilitation and governance transportation support,

•       Saving and Credit service

Total project cost (NRs.): 581434.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 58143.00
Sources of project funds ADB Through HMG and MCPW Support Unit
Major outcomes achieved: •       Orientation and formation of 18 group in 2 VDCs

•       Training and capacity building of 205 poor women,

•       Establishment access of propoor women in formal financial services.

•       Skill development Training and financial support

•       Coordination, collaboration,

•       Capacity building of saving and credit Group,


Project Name:

Brighter Future Program for Child Labor

Project location (Districts):

Parbat and Kaski District

Project start date: 2059 Posh (month/year)
Name of client:

•       Child Labour

•       Out of School children,

•       School Dropout Children

•       Target children;s family and community

Project completion date:- 2065 Ashad
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

•       Awareness creation about Child Labor

•       Non-formal educational class

•       Formal Education and scholarship

•       NTFP based IGA training and business support

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

•       Social Mobilization,

•       Awareness/Education

•       Training and Skill Development

Total project cost (NRs.): 57, 88,660.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 5,78,866..00
Sources of project funds USAID through World Education
Major outcomes achieved: •       Awarness creation in the 31 VDCs of Pabat and Kaski districts.

•       Support to 1800 Child Labor in brighter I and II

•       1375 Child Labor get scholarship and other school support,

•       Conducting 7 vocational training and 210 children benefited from trg.

•       20 School support for IGA and PTA strengthen.

•       20 Library support to 20 community schools.


Project Name:

Rural Water Supply,Health and Sanitation Programme (WASH).

Project location (Districts):

Dhairing & Barrachaur VDC of Parbat District

Project start date: 2057/04 (month/year)
Name of client:

•          Deprived people form Water, Health and Sanitation facilities

•          Ultra Poor, marginalized, Deprived, Excluded,

Project completion date:- 2069/03
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

•          Awareness creation about health and sanitation,

•          Training and capacity building

•          Construction of Structure

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

•          Social Mobilization,

•          Awareness

•          Construction of structure (Reserve tank, Tap stand etc.)

Total project cost (NRs.): Rs.3943956
Total service cost (NRs.):
Sources of project funds GoN/Government of Finland mutual fund
Major outcomes achieved: •          Formation 9 WUC and registration in District Water Resource Committee

•          Preparation of WASH Plan of VDCs -2

•          Awareness about health and sanitation and declaration of ODF in 2 VDCs,

•          18 Water supply, Health and Sanitation Scheme completed,

•          Constriction of 198 tap stand in two VDCs, from which 7013 population has been benefitted,

•          Construction of 930 private toilet, which improve the sanitation contestation in two VDCs.

•          13 CFUG’s benefitted from this program.

•          8 community based school gets toilet, tap stand.


Project Name:

CFUG Social Mobilization Program.

Project location (Districts):

21 VDC of Parbat district

Project start date: (month/year) Sarwan, 2068
Name of client:

Women, Poor, dalit, janajati and other deprived users of CFUGs

Project completion date: (month/year) Chaitra, 2068
Type and detailed narrative description of project: After the completion of 10 yrs long animation program, This program started in order to maintain

the gap between animation and MSFP. All activities of this program are same to Animation Program but the scale is less than animation program.

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Total project cost (NRs.): 1694325.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 169423.00
Major outcomes achieved: •          Continuity social mobilization support to the existing 174 CFUGs.

•          Follow up, monitoring and Implementation support to 98 CFUGs, Where adaptation plan already made.

•          Conduct various training program to CFUG’s members about climate change, self monitoring, forest management, Gender and internal governance, 825 members benefitted from these training programme

•          Conduct Micro enterprise capacity building training in 4 CFUGs.

•          Support revolving fund to 4 CFUGs.

Sources of project funds UKAid/SDC through IFP/RN


Project Name:

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program.

Project location (Districts):

Parbat, Kaski and Dhading District

Project start date: 2054 (month/year)
Name of client:

•       Deprived people form Water, Health and Sanitation facilities

•       Ultra Poor, marginalized, Deprived, Excluded

Project completion date:- 2063
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

•       Awareness creation about health and sanitation,

•       Training and capacity building

•       Construction of Structure

•       IGA for tap stand mother groups

•       Governance

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

•       Social Mobilization,

•       Awareness

•       Construction of structure (Reserve tank, Tap stand etc.)

Total project cost (NRs.): 3943956.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 294395.00
Sources of project funds WB/DFID Through RWSS Fund Dev Board
Major outcomes achieved: •       Formation 9 WUC and registration in District Water Resource Committee

•       Preparation of Community Action Plan of 9 VDCs of 3 districts

•       Awareness about health and sanitation

•       9 Water supply  and Sanitation Scheme completed,

•       Constriction of 75 tap stand in 9 VDCs, from which 4235 population has been benefitted,

•       Construction of 1406 private toilet, which improve the sanitation contestation in nine VDCs.

•       7 CFUG’s benefitted from this program.

•       5 community based school toilet construction and 1920 students benefitted.


Project Name:

CFUG Literacy Program.

Project location (Districts):

Beulibas VDC of Parbat district

Project start date: (month/year) Mansir, 2057
Name of client:

•       Illiterate member of CFUG

•       Women, Poor and deprived users of CFUGs

Project completion date: (month/year) Bhadra, 2058
Type and detailed narrative description of project: This is the first Community Forestry Literacy Program conducted by Nepal UK Community forestry Project in collaboration with NESDO Nepal. This is the first formal involvement of NESDO in CFUGs. The duration of program was very short but very effective. NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Total project cost (NRs.): 121068.00
Total service cost (NRs.):-
Major outcomes achieved: •       Awareness about community forestry in CFUGs member,

•       78 illiterate users become literate,

•       Increase involvement and participant of women, poor and deprived users in CFUG’s assembly and meeting.

•       Increase Linkage and Coordination between CFUGs and other stakeholders.

•       Increase leadership quality.

Sources of project funds NUKCFP CFUG-FMP


Project Name: Safer motherhood (EAP) Programme.
Project location (Districts):

13 VDCs of Parbat District

Project start date: Jestha, 2059 (month/year)
Name of client:

•          Women, Dalit and Janajaati

•          Ultra Poor, marginalized, Deprived and Excluded People

Project completion date:- Ashad, 2069
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

•          Awareness creation about poverty in CFUGs

•          Sub-group formation, training and capacity building of Users

•          Emergency Fund Support

•          Institutional Support for HP/S0\-HP

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

•          Social Mobilization and Awareness

•          Emergency Fund and Means of transportation support,

•          HP/S-HP support

Total project cost (NRs.): 344294.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 34429.00
Sources of project funds DFID/NSMP (Past), GoN/DHO (present)
Major outcomes achieved: •          Orientation and formation of 125 subgroup in 125 CFUGs of 21 VDCs support from DFID/NSMP

•          Formation of 36 safer motherhood group in 8 VDCs support from DHO Parbat.

•          Training and capacity building,

•          Support emergency fund and means of emergency transportation.

•          School and Sub-Health Post support

•          Coordination, collaboration,

•          Capacity building of Safer Motherhood Group,


Project Name: Customary Business Promotion Program.
Project location (Districts):

13 VDCs of Parbat District

Project start date: Jesta, 2065 (month/year)
Name of client:

•          Women, Dalit and Janajaati

•          Ultra Poor, marginalized, Deprived and Excluded People

Project completion date:- Basisk, 2066
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

•          Awareness creation about poverty in CFUGs

•          Sub-group formation, training and capacity building of Users

•          Skill development and IGAsupport

•          Governance

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

•          Social Mobilization,

•          Awareness

•          Micro Enterprise creation and development

Total project cost (NRs.): 1500000.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 150000.00
Sources of project funds WB through Poverty Elevation Fund
Major outcomes achieved: •          30 various business group formation in 13 VDCs

•          Establishment of 5 Panche Baja Groups, 13 blacksmith micro enterprise, 5 Halojuwa and 5 Bhangra micro enterprise.

•          Training and capacity building,

•          Establishment of 5 subjective Network and 1 common network formation

•          Total 205 pro-poor, dalit and Janajati families directly benefitted.

•          Increase access to VDC level budget by Coordination and collaboration.


Project Name:

Animation Program.

Project location (lDistricts):

21 VDC of Parbat district

Project start date: (month/year) Jestha 2059
Name of client:

Women, Poor, dalit, janajati and other deprived users of CFUGs

Project completion date: (month/year) Jestha, 2068
Type and detailed narrative description of project:

By strengthening Institutional Management and internal governance of CFUGs, Improving the condition of women, poor and excluded user’s by their meaningful participation in all CFUG process. This program provides service in 174 CFUGs of 22 VDCs of Parbat district. Which are as follows:

  1. Forestry:

•       Awareness about important of forestry.

•       Facilitation about constitution and operational plan. S

•       Help in preparation of livelihood improvement plan at the house level based on FBP and NTFP

•       Facilitation for handover of forest to local community

2. Governance:

•       Facilitation about regular meeting and assembly according to constitution.

•       Leadership Development and promote handovers

•       Capacity building of CFUG for voice and influence

3.  Social Development:

•       Infrasturcture development

4.Climate Change:

•       Create awareness about climate change,

•       Adoption plan and fund support,

•       Implementation of plan, follow-up and monitoring

5. Entrepreneurship development

•       Create awareness about IGA activities and micro enterprise,

•       Promotion of forest based and NTFP based micro enterprise,

•       Training and capital support for micro enterprise,

•       Networking, coordination and collaboration.

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Total project cost (NRs.): 2,59,40,798.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 25,94,079.00
Major outcomes achieved:

❖     Program started from 2059 Jestha supported by DFID/LFP in coordination with DFO

❖     Institutional management and development support to 174 CFGs in 21 VDCs of Parbat district,

❖     15659 house hold has been benefitted from Animation Program,

❖     Improvement in CFUGs internal management and institutional process,

❖     Increase participation of women, poor, dalit and other excluded users in all community forestry process,

❖     Distribution of revolving fund to 63 CFUGs, 442 household has been benefitted from this fund.

❖     Social mobilization support to DFO team for handover of community forestry and amendment of constitution and operational plan.

❖     Support for promoting NTFP based micro enterprise in 11 CFUGs, 152 household benefitted.

❖     Pro-poor focused small infrastructure  in 90 CFUGs 1466 benefitted,

❖     Formation of 21 Village forestry Coordination Committee, Capacity Building and Leadership development. Support in fund raising. 21 VFCC create Rs. 4038,741.00 fund collection,

❖     Creating awareness about climate change in 174 CFUG, Rs. 56,20,000.00 adaptation fund support in 98 CFUGs. 1980 HH benefitted.

❖     Support in VDC level Climate Change Adaptation Plan in Durlung VDC,

❖     Improvement in the forest management due to awareness of programme.

Sources of project funds DFID/Livelihood and Forestry Programme


Project Name: Enhancing Access to Financial Support Project.
Project location (Districts):

Myagdi, Parbat, Baglung, Kaski, Tanahun, Lamjung, Gorkha, Syangja, Palpa, Nawalparsai and Chitwan

Project start date: (month/year)

Ultra Poor, marginalized, Deprived, Excluded,

Project completion date:-
Type and detailed narrative description of project: This project is conducting for the financial access and inclusion of pro-poor, This is a socio-financial service project through which

this organization providing financial services to CFUG poor members in linkage model.

NESDO, Nepal provided service as a lead organization:
Nature of service provided:

·         Awareness creation or financial literacy,

·         Training and capacity building,

·         Established access in Saving and credit facilitates,

·         Coordination and Linkage with CFUGs

through VFCC

Total project cost (NRs.): 1,14,78,763.00
Total service cost (NRs.): 1147876.00
Sources of project funds UNCDF/UNDP/NRB
Major outcomes achieved: ·    Opening 14 new program branch office in 11 districts.

·        Training and financial literacy for 19267 pro-

poor families.

·        19267 thousand ultra poor families affiliated to centre and 50% gets loan from organization.

·        Institutional capacity building,

·        Service expansion in remote area.

·        Coordination and Linkage with CFUGs through VFCC

Current Program Summary: Program/Project Name Started Complrted Period Donor/Support
1. Micro Finance  Service for Poor. 2057 Kartik Continue 11 Years NRB/RMDC
2. Better Brick Nepal (BBN) 2072 AShoj Continue 1 year BBN

Past Program Summary: 

S.No Program/Project’s Name Started Completed Period Donor/Support
1. HIV/AIDS awareness Program 2053 Sarwan 2056 Posh 4 years WI-Come Ktm.
2. Non-formal Education Program 2053 Posh 2056 Ashad 3 years PACT & HMG
3. Self-Help Promotion Project 2053 Marga 2058 Posh 5 years GTZ/NGO-FP
4. Micro Credit Project for Women 2053 Sarwan 2056 Ashad 3 years ADB/CECI/HMG
5. Rural Infrastructure Dev. Program 2054 Sarwan 2055 Chaitra 2 years GTZ/FFW
6 Bridge Building at Local Level 2054 Aswan 2055 Ashad 2 years HELVETAS/BBLL
7. Sustainable Soil Management Progrom 2054 Sarwan 2057 Ashad 3 Years SDC/SSMP
8. Community Forestry Literacy Prog. 2056 Aswan 2056 Chaitra 9 Month NUKSFP
9. Community D/W, Health & Sanitation Prog. 2055 Sarwan 2057 Chaitra 2 years Water Aid/ NEWAH
10. Water Supply, Health & Sanitation 2054 Baisakh 2062 Ashad 8  years RWSS Fund Board
11. Rural Sanitation Program. 2056 Sarwan 2067 Ashad 7 year FINIDA/DDC
12. Brighter Future Program 2059 Posh 2065 Ashad 6 years World Education
13. Community Forestry Animation 2059 Jestha 2068 Ashad 10 years DFID/LFP-DFO
14. Community School Support Program 2061 Baiskh 2063 Chaitra 2 years WB-CSSP
15. Anti Tobacco Awareness Campaign 2061 Baiskh Continue 8 years RESPHC
16. SM Project and EAP 2063 Sarwan 2070 Ashad 9 years DFID/NSMP,  GoN
17. New Nepal-Model Village Porgram 2063 Posh Continue 6 years Inst. Core Fund
18. Customary Business Promotion 2064 Sarwan 2066 Ashad 2 years World Bank/PAF
19. Disable Social Inclusion Program 2064 Posh 2067 Ashad 3 years INF/PFR
20. CAFAAG Re-integration Program 2065 Magh 2068 Ashad 3 years UNCEF/WE
21. Peace Building Support Program 2065 Magh 2068 Ashad 3 years UNCEF/WE
22. RWSS/WASH Program 2067 Sarwan 2069 Ashad 3 years GON/FINIDA
23. EAFS Project 2067 Ashad 2069 Kartik 2 years NRB/UNCDF/ UNDP
24. CFUGs Social Mobilization Program 2068 Bhadra 2069 Ashad 9 Month UK Aid/IFP/RN
25. Micro Enterprise Promotion 2070 Sarwan 2071 Sarwan 9 Month DFID/FINIDA/SDC
26. Social Mobilization Program 2068 Sarwan 2070 Ashad 1 Years DDC/DGLSP
27. MSFP /Micro Enterprise Promotion in CFUGs 2070 Sarwan 2072 Chaitra 2 Years MSFP/Libird