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Stop Violence Against Women”
“Our Fight against Poverty will continue until Poverty Exist in Nepal”
“Engage Micro finance Change Lives “
“Communication,  Human Rights  & Development” 
“No Big And Rough  Small and Beauty Micro finance”
“Stop Child Labour”
“Establishment of Poverty free inclusive Nepal”

Vision, Missions , Goals & Objectives.


”Establishment of a Poverty Free New Nepal in terms of human,   financial, and Physical resources.”





  • Sensitization, unification and income generation of the destitute community,
  • Identification and optimal mobilization of local resources (human, fina
    ncial and physical),
  • Capacity building of local community and self-reliance imagesgroup,
  • Promotion and advancement of self-reliant initiatives, Institutional development and professionalism.





  • Creating awareness among Pro-poor, Women, and disadvantage cast and ethnicity, their self-help group formation and institutional capacity building of the SHGs.
  • Community empowerment, improvement in life standard and bring gradual social change by facilitating for income generation, sensitization and union of rural community, especially of women and destitute.
  • Inspire the community for humane, financial and physical independence and self-reliance by providing complementary support for initiatives that are begun in local level by increasing the capacity of community to identify and mobilize the local resources (human, financial and physical).
  • In order to increase access of the pro-poor, women, dalit, janajati and goalsother disadvantage group to the available natural resources, facilitation will be done in CFUGs and other National Forestry Conservation Committee.
  • Carry out the functions by making the institution self-reliant in terms of resources emphasizing on the motto ”social service is an alternate profession” to develop skilled human resources and professional members towards social service and institution, by conducting various entrepreneurship and programmes and identifying viable resources for sustainable development of the institution.
  • Promoting peace, good governance, social justice and human right through policy advocacy and influence in various levels.



  • To conduct various programmes for self-reliant capacity building of community and community based organizations,
  • To conduct various service-oriented programmes including community infrastructure development based on needs and initiatives of the community for its physical self-reliance and build the capacity of local organisations for its sustainability,
  • To perform the role of financial self-reliance of community and organisations and emphasize in capacity building, conduct micro finance service for sustainability and establish saving and credit cooperative by assisting income generating programmes based on local initiative,
  • To create alternate opportunities within the organization and provide to its members for professionalism towards social service and organization by building capacity of the organization and its members,
  • To assist to guarantee social justice and human rights in the community by conducting various programmes related to rehabilitation of mentally disabled, promotion of the oppressed indigenous people and promotion and protection of the rights of women and children,
  • To conduct various programmes related to sustainable soil management and environment conversation and promotion,team-leader-graphic1
  • To conduct peace-promoting movements to create terror free society, preserve individual rights and end gender discrimination by promoting social norms, values and cultures and enhancing the access to and control over the resources of destitute women, oppressed and disadvantaged groups,
  • To expand areas of support by emphasizing to extend relation, coordination and communication with governmental and non-governmental national and international organisations and agencies.