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Stop Violence Against Women”
“Establishment of Poverty free inclusive Nepal”
“No Big And Rough  Small and Beauty Micro finance”
“Stop Child Labour”
“Our Fight against Poverty will continue until Poverty Exist in Nepal”
“Engage Micro finance Change Lives “
“Communication,  Human Rights  & Development” 

Message From Chairperson.

NESDO Nepal completed two decades of its operation of the various activities in 11 districts of Nepal. Its Program activities cover a wide range of areas with particular focus and efforts on Micro finance  Micro insurance, agriculture, health, Drinking water & Sanitation, Gender Promotion, Environment protection and so on. With these programs NESDO Nepal, till the end of the reporting period had been serving more than 77 thousands ultra-poor families within the working area. NESDO Nepal is thoroughly committed to its mission that it works in such way that the beneficiaries can feel that the outcome at the end of the day is a collective achievement. The Financial year 2074/075 demonstrated a higher progress and improvements of work in all these programs under taken by NESDO Nepal. This was possible due to definitive policies adopted and practiced, arduous work done by all the staff members of the organization support provided by development partners, stake holders and well wishers . This year there had been 35 board meetings and the Annual General meeting. All these meetings reviewed the periodically progress of the organization, approved the plans and budgets and decided policy issues and provide guidance. I thank all the board members for their attendance and participation in board meetings as well as the members of the general assembly for their cooperation, support and active participation in the assembly in contributing to frame policy decisions and guidance.

Thanking You All

Mr. Ratna Prasad Adhikari.


NESDO Nepal.