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“Communication,  Human Rights  & Development” 
“Stop Child Labour”
“Engage Micro finance Change Lives “
“Our Fight against Poverty will continue until Poverty Exist in Nepal”
“No Big And Rough  Small and Beauty Micro finance”
“Establishment of Poverty free inclusive Nepal”
Stop Violence Against Women”


National Educational & Social Development Organization , NESDO Nepal

National Educational and Social Development Organization (NESDO, Nepal) is non-profit making, self governed, autonomous, continuous legatee Micro Finance Institution, Knowing the fact that the state only cannot address the issues of gender, caste community at all level. NESDO Nepal was established in 2051B.S(1995) to assist the state in addressing the gender, caste, community issues by empowering the community by giving emphasis on income generating activities of the poor, dalit, janajati, destitute, minority which resulting eradication of poverty. Achievements of such aim are possible through implementation of various community level programs and Micro finance program that aims to assists the national development by utilizing the local recourse. The Principle objective of NESDO, Nepal is to help reduce poverty through employment generation. Starting with Micro finance Program NESDO Nepal has diversified its portfolio over the years. This program aimed at helping the poor to gain access to finance and trade training so that they under take income generating activities, while creating mostly self employment. In recent years emphasis has been on enterprise development and various assistance to raise client’s financial abilities, education, entrepreneurship , health etc .In other words NESDO Nepal is now seeking to promote integrated development in which financing is an important element. At Present NESDO Nepal Providing Micro finance Services to 77 thousands ultra-poor families reside in the remote hilly area of Nepal through its 56 branch offices located in the 12 districts.